Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ERE Expo 2007: Everything You Need to Know

The biggest ERE Expo of them all is almost here: The 2007 Spring event is officially the largest ERE Expo ever, and will have a record number of attendees, exhibitors, and speakers.

I'll be joining Jim Durbin (President, Durbin Media Group), Heather Hamilton (Staffing Mgr, Marketing - Microsoft) and Joe Grimm (Recruiting and Development Director, Detroit Free Press) for the "Ask the Bloggers" Blogging Panel on Day 2.

I promise you, there will be no way you can sleep through this thing.

Bring your questions and let's talk blogging.

Before you decide to pass on the biggest expo ever, check out Jeremy Eskenazi's post today on ERE. He gives the complete lowdown on the expo - everything you need to know and more.

See you in San Diego,


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