Monday, August 28, 2006

Are Blogs, RSS, and Mobile Advertising Over-Hyped?

Nice post by Julian at Exceler8ion, referencing the article in Advertising Age entitled Marketing Reality Check: Blogs, Pods, RSS?

The AdAge article states:

According to Jupiter Research, just 7 percent of Americans write blogs, while 22 percent read them. Meanwhile, a separate study from WorkPlace Print Media says that 88 percent of Americans have no idea what RSS is.”
I do believe the research that says 88% of Americans have no ideas what RSS is. But who cares? I blogged for almost a year without having RSS on my site (because I didn't know what it was!).

This was my fave point from Julian's post:

Towards the end of the story they say that web 2.0 tools like blogs and podcasts and cellphones are great if you want to reach influencers. Ah, the cute and cuddly marketing buzz word for leaders.

Well, I guess that sums it up for me pretty well - I blog to reach influencers. Especially those in the wireless industry who happen to be looking for their next gig...or not.

Dennis Smith

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